This page shows the results of a forecast. Details about the forecast are shown on the left and weather images are overlaid on a map on the right, as soon as they become available.
This section shows basic information about the forecast, including the Title it was given when it was requested, the Area it covers and for what Period. The area is given by the lat/lon co-ordinates for the centre of the area, along with its width and height. Additionally, the resolution of the forecast is noted. The higher the forecast resolution, i.e. the lower the value, the better the forecast will reflect the topology of the area it covers. However, higher-resolution forecasts take longer to generate and are more expensive. Additional Notes may be displayed here as well. Most importantly, when newer data becomes available, it will say Can be recalculated. At this point you can press the button further down the page, to start the forecast again.
The weather map on the right shows a geographical map with a weather overlay.
Below the map is the time slider. You can click the bar or drag the slider to control what time, within the forecast period, is displayed in the weather plot. While the forecast is still running, the time-slider will contain a progress bar, and dragging the slider beyond the completed part of the bar will hide the weather plot.
This section allows you to configure the weather map on the right.
In the Weather Plots sub-section you can choose which weather plot is displayed on the map.
In the Options sub-section you can press to toggle between a static weather map, and a fully zoomable interactive map. Note that the interactive map becomes unavailable after some days, as the complete weather model output is scrubbed to conserve space. The interactive map will also use more bandwidth and be slower to load on low-bandwidth connections.
Just below the Options section is a Transparency slider which controls how much of the geographical map can be seen through the weather plot.
The Share button displays a link which can be sent to people who would not otherwise have access to the forecast. This link can also be posted on blogs or social meidia sites.
The Recalculate button opens the Request New Forecast page with the details of this forecast copied into the new one. This allows you to re-run the forecast when new weather data becomes available or run a slight modification of the forecast.
If the forecast has not yet been scrubbed to conserve space, then this section shows a number of links to download the netCDF files output by the WRF weather model. Most people have no need for those files.